Entertaining features about entertainment? Now that's meta.
PREMIERE 8 Movie Sex Cliches That (Thankfully) Never Happen in Real Life
Real sex isn't nearly as lame as it is in movies.
‘Oh Hello’ Theater Review: Nick Kroll, John Mulaney Put on a Show for the (Old) Ages
Jew’ve never seen anything like it!
ACTIVISION X Times the X-Men Predicted the Future Past
X-Men stories have always invoked real-life storylines—but some have actually seemed to foretell them. Here's 10 times that (sorta) happened.
PREMIERE Does Hating These Movies Make You A Bad Person?
You might be a racist, anti-Semitic homophobe, but it’s not because of your taste in movies.
MAXIM Rap Public Service Announcements
It's time for hip-hop to give back. (It can keep Pitbull, though.)
GQ Al Pacino’s Character Was a Coke Fiend: Revelations From Heat's 20th Anniversary
Pacino, Robert De Niro, and Michael Mann were on hand for a chat moderated by Christopher Nolan.
Jackie Chan Is Dead Again
In an age when information is so readily accessible, it’s also readily abused. Our favorite death hoaxes — if you can have such a thing — are proof.
- RYOT NEWS5 Well-Meaning — But Painfully Embarrassing — Charity Music Videos
The most awkward, misguided, overproduced attempts at philanthropy we’ve ever had the discomfort of listening to on continuous loop.
MAXIM Muscle Bock Ultra Commercial
You want a beer that's in step with your active lifestyle. You want Muscle Bock Ultra Performance Lager.
The Ultimate Action-Hero Showdown
A tournament matching up the most kick-ass action heroes ever to see who kicks the most ass.
BLENDER Live Review: L.L. Cool J
The Ripper grants old school–new school graduate equivalency degrees in an hour or less.
MAXIM The 10 Dumbest TV Shows Ever
The nerds at Mensa released their list of the smartest TV shows of all time; it only make sents that we list stupidest.
MAXIM Blaine Drain
ABC's stationary stuntman's at it againand our resident illusionist is there to throw water on him.
PREMIERE Where Are All the Honest Dennis Hopper Tributes?
Guess "hypocritical, unprincipled sellout" makes a tough eulogy.
MAXIM Ghostface-to-Face
The most prolific member of Wu-Tang blows spots like Waco, Texas. Or, in this case, a cramped greenroom after a recent show.
MAXIM Macy's Parade Balloons We'd Tune In to See
We have a pet name for the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade: "Sleeping in." But if they'd update some of their balloons, we might just start tuning in...